NSBS Starter Pack

Der Starter Pack der NetWare Small Business ist mit fünf Userlizenzen kostenfrei, aber wird nicht umsonst installiert und ist auch seit August 2006 nicht mehr verfügbar.

Nach der Installation muß das Produkt auf den Endkunden lizenziert und aktiviert (unlock) werden, sonst stellt es nach 90 Tagen seinen Dienst ein.

Erweiterungen des Starter Packs sind (siehe Punkt 5 unten) noch bis Juni 2007 verfügbar.

Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack Discontinuation

In conjunction with the announcement last week regarding the retirement of the Novell Small Business Suites, the associated Starter Pack program will also be discontinued effective July 2006. Here are a few additional details that pertain to this announcement:

1) The Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack 6.6 will go end-of-life July 31, 2006 at which time it will be generally supported through June 2008. The lifecycle process is detailed at http://support.novell.com/lifecycle

2) As a migration path, your customers who have a Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack can purchase support from Novell for their product or they can purchase the Novell Open WorkGroup Suite. Additionally, the Novell Open WorkGroup Suite is the migration path to Linux for Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack customers. There is also a $80/user annual maintenance subscription (rental) option for the Novell Open WorkGroup Suite which is a very cost effective migration path for the Starter Pack customers.

3) The Starter Pack activation web site will be shut down when the Starter Pack goes end-of- life on July 31, 2006. Novell will also close down the Novell Small Business Suite application portal when the Novell Small Business Suite 6.6 goes into maintenance mode on July 31, 2006.

4) As for component updates, The Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack components will not be updated to their latest versions. For your customers who want the latest product versions from Novell you should direct them to look to the Novell Open WorkGroup Suite as a migration path from Novell Small Business Suite Starter Pack.

5) If you have customers that have the Starter Pack installed and want additional users, Novell will continue to offer the Expansion Pack for customers through June 2007.

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